Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lucky funny cat

funny catLucky funny cat

boo funny cat

funny catboo funny cat

Stockard Funny Cat

Funny Cat
Funny Cat

Stockard Funny Cat

Punisher Funny Cat

Funny Cat
This cat is named Punisher, an odd name no matter what sex, but it seemed especially odd in light of her being female. This pose just totally cracked me up. It is not a pose you would want to see if you were a mouse.

Aside from being incredibly funny, Punisher is a lovely lady cat at the Heartland Humane Society in Corvallis, Oregon, USA. I'm still learning about my new camera. I will post at least one more picture of her in a more "normal" cat pose. Here she is funny, but in others she is elegant, kind of like the two kitties that I liked so much named Blair and Icicle, like how they might look when they grow up.

In the wee hours of the morning on October 17th, 2006 I am going to replace this with the same basic picture, but a much smaller size and resolution. The reason is that I think it would be really funny on Dumpr Museumr Group Pool, and it just fits in the museum template better if it is smaller. ~Delina

Here is what I discovered. Yes I could replace it with the smaller and lower resolution one to work well on Dumpr Museumr, and then I could come back here and replace it AGAIN back to the size and resolution I liked. If I didn't do that, the Dumpr Museum one had her ears and part of her paws lopped off.